STATION 181(Administration Offices)

1959 North State Highway 83
Located at Hwy 83 and Hwy 86 in the southwest corner Station 181 is staffed with full-time staff and volunteers 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

(303) 688-3811


Map It



(fire station)





Engine 181
2017 Ferrara
1500 GPM /1000 gallons


Rig 834 2017 Ferrara Engine


(ifire truck)
M181 2


Medic 181
2008 GMC /Peak Coach Works
ALS Ambulance






Scat 181
2017 Ford F550 Quick Attack
Wildland Type 6
250 GPM\300 Gallon

SC181 1

(quick attack truck)

Rig 836 2005 Volvo Tender 181

Tender 181
2004 Volvo\Osco Truck
1000 GPM / 3300 Gallon


(fire truck)


Brush 181
2013 Ford 550
Type 6 Wildland Apparatus
250 GPM / 300 Gallon


B181 1

Reserve Engine (Parade)
1983 Ford E-One
1000 GPM \ 750 Gallon
 (wildland truck)
Medic 189 (Reserve)
2008 GMC /Peak Coach Works
ALS Ambulance

picture 001

(fire truck)